Robin Allen QC and Dee Masters provide submissions to the United Nations
Dee Masters
Robin Allen QC
The United Nation’s Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) is considering a new international instrument in order to protect older people. It has called for evidence in advance of its Eighth Working Session in July 2017 ( Robin Allen QC and Dee Masters, barristers at Cloisters, have submitted a paper along with Andrew Byrnes (Australian Centre for Human Rights, University of New South Wales), Israel Doron (University of Haifa), Nena Georgantzi (AGE Platform Europe / National University of Ireland Galway), Annie Herro (Australian Centre for Human Rights, University of New South Wales), Bill Mitchell (National Association of Community Legal Centres, Australia) and Bridget Sleap (HelpAge International). A copy of their paper on equality and non-discrimination is available at
Robin and Dee will also be participating in a conference Brussels on 7 June 2017, which has been organised by AGE Platform, to further discuss age equality and the possibility of a new international instrument. Details of the seminar are available here: