Catherine Casserley and Joshua Jackson deliver advanced training on “Discrimination and Public Law”

Catherine Casserley

Joshua Jackson

Catherine Casserley and Joshua Jackson provide advanced training to lawyers, including to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, on the subject of “Discrimination and Public Law: Using the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998 – When, Why and How?”

Catherine and Josh are public, human rights and equality law practitioners at Cloisters, who often work at the intersection of the Equality Act 2010 (“EqA”) and the Human Rights Act 1998 (“HRA”).

The purpose of the training was to aid practitioners in building on the distinctions between grounds of discrimination under the EqA and Article 14 ECHR to determine when equality-based grounds can and should be deployed in judicial review proceedings.

The training presented a comparative analysis of the EqA and Article 14 ECHR in relation to the following issues:

  1. The venue for claims under the EqA and HRA.

  2. Admissibility criteria for judicial review, such as the issue of alternative remedies, the definition of public authorities and functions, victim status and ambit under the HRA, and exemptions under the EqA;

  3. Protected characteristics and statuses.

  4. Forms and elements of discrimination.

  5. Burdens of proof and standards of review.


If you represent an organisation that would be interested in receiving similar training, do contact us at


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